Friday, September 28, 2007

Mantle decorated for Autumn

Mantle decorated for Autumn, originally uploaded by Melsky.

This is my house. I got a bunch of gourds and little pumpkins at the Farmer's market.

I have gotten new curtains that I am still in the process of putting up. They kind of don't go with my paintings that well though. Not like something like this mantelpiece full of funny little gourds and x-mas tree lights. I don't know. I'll put up a picture of them soon.

I think I feel a little down.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cat and Flying Fish Magnet

Cat and Flying Fish Magnet, originally uploaded by Melsky.

I just finished this today, and put it in my store:

Cat and Fish magnet

I finished this a few days ago, but it sold already! Yay.

Predawn Desert

Not much going on, just doing a lot of walking, decorating in the house, putting up curtains, making Chicken Cattiatore. I'm not painting as much as I would like to but I'm still painting every day.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hello Fall

Fall Leaf, originally uploaded by Melsky.

I found this leaf while walking to the library.

Things I miss about Toronto:

The library
Tap Water
TTC (Toronto Transit Company)
Saver's Thrift Shop, on Bloor Street
Being in a major city
My doctor and the health care system

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Me on the Erie Canal

Mel on the Erie Canal, originally uploaded by Melsky.

Today we walked 4.2 miles on the Erie Canal Towpath. It was a good time, though hot for this time of year. We saw a little tiny snake on the path that slithered off when we got close. He was cute. Lots of Canada Geese were out, both in the air and on the water.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Vintage Ad #353: More Fake Facial Fuzz

I used to love ads like this when I was little. Come to think of it, I still do.