Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Originally uploaded by Melsky
Yesterday was my birthday, it was pretty low key but enjoyable. My husband took me to dinner at a seafood restaurant which we have been to several times and like. He gave me a new edition of the CD London Calling by the Clash which has extra songs on it and video footage of the Clash recording some of the songs on the album.

I also got this Dutch Oven , which I picked out myself. I really love cast iron.

This morning I found that I had sold something on Etsy which I was very pleased about.

The snow has mostly melted, but I did manage to go skiing twice this weekend before the dreaded rain started.

Today I will be taking a long walk, part of which will be to the post office to mail my etsy sale.


FAQ said...

Yay! Isn't it fun when you sale something? I have not sold anything in a while. It would make my day.

FAQ said...

Oh duh....Happy Birthday girl!

Susan said...

Happy Birthday. You made out like a bandit! Dinner, Music, Cookware,and an Etsy sale (and what a cute picture). Glad you had such a great birthday. Awesome.
Susan K.