Friday, July 10, 2020


I got Adobe creative suite and I like it for the most part. It is hard to switch programs. Illustrator is pretty easy to pick up because it's similar to Inkscape. Photoshop is not easy for me, and designing products on it is not as intuitive as I hoped it would be. But I like the program and the editing features. They are a lot more sophisticated than the free programs I've been using as far as being able to select parts of images and move them around, which will help with some of the art I have planned.

 I also have a new computer to handle the increasing amount of graphics and it has been a lot of work figuring out how to get everything set up. The worst thing is going through my old computer and trying to decide what to do with all the image files. I had that computer for nine years!

The card below was the last thing I made and put in my store. I started writing this blog entry a few days ago and I stopped. I have a tendency to be too intense and burn out. So I took one full day off and played video games with some really nice people and I think that was good for me.

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