Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Fish Martini, originally uploaded by Melsky.

I stayed home today, made granola and later I'm making hummus. We ate mostly left overs from the barbecue.

My review of South Indian Dosa Mahal ran today.

I listed four small paintings in my Melsky Art Store. This fish was one of them.

Last night I started to get sick from my sinuses. It's the same thing, the roof of my mouth feels raw and I feel tired. I'm trying to fight it though, I'm taking those sinus tabs and irrigating with saline. I'm so tired of being sick. I think literally I've been sick for about 25 percent of this calendar year. I'm doing so well with going to the gym and my walking and working on my art, I just can't get sick. I think I am going to try to go on a walk tonight and tomorrow I'm going to the doctor because this is just ridiculous. The only reason I haven't gone to the doctor before this is that I don't really think they can do anything.

I don't feel too bad so I'm hoping that this will just go away. Please?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey There!

I like your art a lot!

Sorry to hear about your battle with sinuses. I hope you start feeling better soon!


Sylvia C.