Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Floral Fun, originally uploaded by Melsky.

Isn't this a fun painting? It's one I started about a year ago. I had the backgrounds painted and they didn't look like they would work. Now I put on some foreground colors and black outlining and I love it!

I'm especially fond of the way the lilacs came out. That technique of painting lilacs is something pretty new for me.

Flower Fun abstract floral painting for sale

I took a long walk today and it was beautiful. The snow is all melted and it's fall again. Everywhere you look there are carpets of brilliant yellow leaves. It's not so pretty for people who have to rake and don't like it though.

I just got my first spam comment! Now I feel like a real blogger. I haven't been really worried about spam because I figured if anyone left a spam comment I'd just delete it. To my surprise, this blog does not seem to have an option for deleting comments, unless I'm missing something really obvious here. So I turned on the moderate comments setting, which means that I have to approve comments before they are added but at least no one is going to put links to porn sites on my blog.

To get rid of that comment I had to delete my whole post and put it back up again.

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