Thursday, November 01, 2007

Joshua Tree Sunset

Joshua Tree Sunset, originally uploaded by Melsky.

I have been neglecting this blog but I've decided to post every day for the month of November. I'm putting new art in the Melsky Art Store on Etsy every day, and I've decided to post about it every day too.

This was inspired by NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. That's a thing where people pledge to write a novel every month. That has been very popular, and spawned several spinoffs, like a thing called Art By The Inch where you pledge to paint a certain amount of square inches every day, and a thing called NaNoBloWriMo where you write in your blog every day. So I thought I would make one of my own where I put art on Etsy every day and then blog about it.

So my pledge is to put art up on Etsy every day, to write about it in my blog, and if I happen to miss a day to make it up and not just abandon the project.

My cat Oliver has pledged to help me by being my muse and mascot for the project.

So here is my entry for the first of November, All Saints Day:

Joshua Tree Sunset

I'm on a desert painting kick again. This one is in quite the 70s colors, don't you think? I spent a lot of time in the desert in the 70s as a child.

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