Friday, May 29, 2020

How I switched from black outlined art to a no outline style

When I was painting a lot of art in the physical realm (as opposed to digital art :) my go-to method was:

1. Rough outline in pencil
2. Color in with paint
3. Outline with a black pen or black paint

When I first started learning Inkscape, I sought to duplicate this method. I tried a bunch of different methods to do this. I would scan in line art and then modify it and attempt to color it in. I tried drawing on my tablet and saving the line art as a .png. That didn't really have the effect I was going for.

Long story short, I started thinking in a different way.  I started thinking in chunks of color instead of sketch/color/outline.

That took my art in a new direction. I had a renewal of creativity and productivity. Now I feel excited about making artwork again. I can create my own world and it is as fun as playing video games or watching any type of media.

The old style outlined art
The new style - will be available soon!

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