Saturday, June 27, 2020

Not meeting goals is good sometimes

Yesterday I had the goal of finishing the wedding invitation I was working on. Then I would go make more tapestries, which is kind of silly fun as opposed to the invite, which is more serious.

I'm really happy with the way it's turning out. It has the feel I wanted - the contrast of the pink on a dusty blue, almost gray background reminds me of spring storms in California when the fruit trees blossomed against the backdrop of a storm colored sky and the air was charged with electricity.

I know that sounds like marketing fluff, but that's the way it makes me feel.

It reminds me of a book cover. That makes me happy for a couple of different reasons, the first being that I am also designing book covers. That project has been on hold only because I am working on the wedding stuff and other product designs. Looking at this makes me want to get back to working on the book covers!

Secondly and more importantly, I think a lot of people see a wedding as a production. I think the fact that it has a book cover/film vibe to it will appeal to people who see themselves as wedding producers - producing an experience for their friends and family.

I finally finished it, two days after my self imposed due date. But I think it was worth it.

I had a hard time with the bottom of the card, so I designed a bird and a branch. I was going to put the date information on the bird, but once I started laying it out it turned out this way.

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